Troop 42 Scouts' Page
Welcome to the Scouts' Page of the Troop 42 website! This page is maintained by the troop's youth webmaster, and is meant to be a place where all Scouts can access recent news, patrol resources, and more.
Summer 2020 Events
The troop is holding a virtual campout in July this year! It will take place on the weekend of the 25th and feature content from every member of our new youth leadership team, including opportunities for you to:
- watch a flag ceremony with bugling
- learn about how to get Merit Badge booklets
- hear a message from the Historian about summer troop photos
- discover how to properly take care of troop equipment such as stoves, tents, or tarps!
To find important dates and learn about other troop meetings and events, visit the troop calendar.
Positions of Responsibility
Youth positions of responsibility for the 2020 fall term are as follows:
SPL | Brandon K. | -- |
ASPLs | TBA 1 | TBA 2 |
QMs | Bryce N. | Casper N. |
Chaplain's Aide | Aaron S. | -- |
Historian | Zachary W. | -- |
Bugler | Abe R. | -- |
Librarian | Eli R. | -- |
Scribe | Sam E. | -- |
Youth Webmaster | Nic R. | -- |
Going forward, PLC meetings will only include the SPL, ASPLs, Patrol Leaders, and the Scribe.
High Adventure 2018
Troop 42 was scheduled to attend Philmont in 2018, but due to the unfortunate spread of wildfires on Philmont property, we were unable to go. Luckily, the troop was able to plan out an alternative trip for the summer: the Alpine Adventure, a 5-day backpacking trip in the Colorado Rockies.
7 scouts and 4 adults arrived at Camp Tahosa of the Denver Area Council on July 24 after a grueling 14-hour bus ride. The next few days were spent on day adventures (high COPE course, the Via Ferrata climbing course, horseback riding) and getting acclimated to the elevation: 9000 feet at base camp!
We left on our backpacking adventure on Monday July 30, starting at the Fourth of July trailhead. We proceeded to work our way in a clockwise loop around the Continental Divide over the next five days, passing directly over the Divide twice. Each day, the crew hiked roughly 8 miles, gaining and losing a lot of altitude. On Thursday, August 2, we summited Sawtooth Mountain at 12,304 feet above sea level! We marched back into base camp on Friday, tired but enthusiastically singing "When the Scouts Go Marching In".
The crew arrived back in Cedar Rapids on August 4.
Download all photos.
Troop website tutorials: finding resources on the T42 website- How to access your advancement report
March 2018 Campout Limericks:
We’re the scouts from troop 42
And we know just what to do
On the trails that are muddy
I hike with my buddy
We never lose one, but two
-Mr. Ryan
In summer I go to scout camp
Where the mornings are quite damp
The days are muggy
With the nights quite buggy
I always come home a champ
-Mr. Ryan
There once was a scout who got eagle
Some say he could hike like a beagle
He helps scouts advance
His campfires are like a dance
Sean Ehlert helps our troop be regal
-Mr. Cole
There once was a troop with a bus
It made campouts much less a fuss
One month no drivers
Bad locks, an under miner
Still fun but the bus is a plus
-Mr. Cole
There once was a scout that was Life
Who wanted from his dad a knife
Wrote him a letter
How to get better
And mint cookies for a wife
-Mr. Burger
Once there was an awesome pony
Whose beautiful name was Tony
Suspicious was Ted
Who took off the head
And they all knew he was a phony
There once was a man named O’Hare
Who found a way to sell the air
Made lots of money
Couldn’t find a honey
So he became Thneedville’s mayor
-Sean, Nic, Ernie
There once was a young boy named Nic
Who couldn’t think of a limerick
He sat down and thought
For concepts he fought
But none of them would even stick
There once was a man named Hawking
Who you could say was quite the king
Studying the stars
Still looking afar
But could not ever sing